13 March 2009

More Post-Surgery: Our New Friends

Our new friends, Kristen and Sam (you can see that Sam is in love with Willow already). Kristen has three great children, two of whom were adopted from China (Sam is 3, and also was cleft-affected). Kristen is supermom, so I joke and tell her I can't be friends with her anymore (as her parenting prowess is intimidating)! She's been a great source of support and knowledge (it has been a huge benefit to us as we negotiate this new world). Thank you Kristen, Jake, Carly, Ruby, and Sam.

Kristen and her family filled a very nice birthday package for Willow. We absolutely love this toy (see below).

Willow has had some very unhappy moments post-surgery (in contrast to the happy photos above--and below). Pain? Fear? Both, probably.

It is very apparent that she feels this sadness at her core. These episodes occur infrequently; consoling her can be an artform (she often is angry at everyone and everything). Hey, I can remember having those feelings ... can you?

Happy morning on Daddy's back, going for a long walk with the dogs at Jackson Meadow (a cluster development, where the majority of land is meadow and forest, coupled with a network of trails).
Finding a detour through an adjacent cornfield: the trail-dips were filled with large icy ponds from a recent thaw and freeze.

Pick me up! Yikes, she was up and down the first week post surgery. Make sure to read our other posts, below.

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