23 October 2010

What Might It Be Like For Tupelo?

Just imagine one day waking up and your family dresses you to leave your home. You think you are just going out, maybe to the store; maybe you have never left your home before. But when you leave your home--the only home you have ever known--you do not know this is goodbye ... forever. Within a few hours you are dropped off with complete strangers amidst a cacophony of crying. Reality begins to set in when you drive off with all of these strangers. But nothing like the reality that occurs at bedtime. Fear takes over and panic sets in.

(concept borrowed from literature explaining what it is like for the adopted child)

1 comment:

e said...

Yes, yes, and yes. How scary it must have been for our girls. Mine were a bit older so I think it was explained, but they really weren't old enough to understand.